Punishment route

As we all know, consequences follow after a person’s behavior or response occurs. Did you know punishment is one kind of consequence used to change a person’s behavior or response? Punishment is a consequence provided in order to decrease the likelihood of the behavior or response happening in the future. In ABA therapy sessions, providersContinue reading “Punishment route”

Socially mediated reinforcement

It’s amazing how much reinforcement occurs in our own everyday situations. One type of reinforcement that occurs often is socially mediated reinforcement. Socially meditated reinforcement is other people or things in the environment that reinforce a person’s behavior or response. Now, let’s look at this picture above. Easily think about social media for this kindContinue reading “Socially mediated reinforcement”

The A-B-Cs in ABA

In Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA), did you know the ABCs is implemented? I am not talking about the letters of alphabet. In this case, I am talking about the antecedents (events, situations, settings), behaviors (response), and consequences (ex: reinforcement or punishment). Here is a picture that goes more in detail about the ABCs used inContinue reading “The A-B-Cs in ABA”