Battle of tantrums vs meltdowns

I cannot tell you how many times that tantrums and meltdowns get mixed up by parents, professionals, teachers, etc. From my experiences as an autistic, I want to break down the similarities and differences between tantrums and meltdowns: Tantrums: goal-oriented (function or reason) and can be reduced by teaching communication or replacement behaviors. Meltdowns: caused byContinue reading “Battle of tantrums vs meltdowns”

Picture Exchange Communication System (PECS)

What is picture exchange communication system (PECS)? Picture Exchange Communication System (PECS) is a functional communication system in which allows children with ASD to express in an alternative way through pictures. PECS are used as an intervention for children with ASD who either have no expressive language or have very limited expressive language. Personally, IContinue reading “Picture Exchange Communication System (PECS)”