ABA services in Individualized Education Plans (IEPs)

Many families request ABA services at school for their child, not just at home. How do you add ABA services into your child’s individualized education plan (IEP)? Here are the steps to take: Keep in mind that if your child is already receiving ABA therapy services outside of school, make sure your insurance company canContinue reading “ABA services in Individualized Education Plans (IEPs)”

Back to school

Many states have been back in school while some have not just yet. Autistic people often face difficulties with transitioning back to school because of either being home all summer or engaging in other structured activities over the summer. How can you help an autistic child, client, or student get back into their school routine?Continue reading “Back to school”

Interview with Dr. Jennifer Bellotti as a BCBA-D and executive president of FSBA

I am so excited to announce I reached 40 guests in my podcast series on, “The World of Autism”! Over a year now, I had 40 guests featured in my podcast series for the “The World of Autism”. I brought on autistic self-advocates, therapists, teachers, parents, siblings, professionals, etc., come on to share their experiencesContinue reading “Interview with Dr. Jennifer Bellotti as a BCBA-D and executive president of FSBA”

Open book tests in schools

Do you feel open book tests should be incorporated more in schools? As a paraprofessional for a few years so far, I’ve noticed students struggle with memorization tests more so now than ever before. I understand the education system needs to implement memorization tests to assess students’ knowledge, but it should not be the mainContinue reading “Open book tests in schools”

Advice from an autistic paraprofessional

As you all know, I wear many hats because I work more than one job. I have been a paraprofessional for many years. Recently, I entered into my 4th school year as a paraprofessional. I am not just as any paraprofessional. I am a paraprofessional on the autism spectrum! Most of my experiences consist ofContinue reading “Advice from an autistic paraprofessional”

OBM and PM in Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA)

What is organization behavior management (OBM) and performance management (PM)? How do they relate to the applied behavior analysis (ABA) field? Organization Behavior Management (OBM) uses applied behavior analysis (ABA) in workplaces. It uses behavior interventions and strategies to change peoples’ behaviors in workplaces, such as businesses, governments, and etc. Wilder et. al. (2009) sharesContinue reading “OBM and PM in Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA)”

The A-B-Cs in ABA

In Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA), did you know the ABCs is implemented? I am not talking about the letters of alphabet. In this case, I am talking about the antecedents (events, situations, settings), behaviors (response), and consequences (ex: reinforcement or punishment). Here is a picture that goes more in detail about the ABCs used inContinue reading “The A-B-Cs in ABA”

Approaches for increasing communication and social skills

In Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA), did you know behavior analysts use many approaches to increase people’s communication and social skills? Here are some interventions and procedures used in ABA to increase people’s communication and social skills: Verbal operant approaches: 2. Functional Communication Training (FCT): a differential reinforcement of alternative behavior (DRA) approach in which teachesContinue reading “Approaches for increasing communication and social skills”

Interview with Merrick Egber as an Autistic board for Florida ASPE and ELS for Autism

When is it important to teach self advocacy skills to autistic people? Its not about the age of the person with autism to teach self advocacy skills. It is more important to teach them these skills when autisitc people many skills mastered or improved on, such as communication and social skills. All of these skillsContinue reading “Interview with Merrick Egber as an Autistic board for Florida ASPE and ELS for Autism”

Interview with Sam Mitchell as an autistic podcaster and entrepreneur

How many of you have heard of podcasts talking about autism? Podcasts about autism have been growing more than ever before. Podcasts are being created and hosted by parents of autistic children, therapists who work with autistic people, teachers, and autistic self advocates. It is truly amazing! Now get ready for a new guest inContinue reading “Interview with Sam Mitchell as an autistic podcaster and entrepreneur”