Jesse Saperstein

Jesse Saperstein is a young man who lives with Asperger’s Syndrome, which is part of the Autism Spectrum. Jesse is an Autism and Anti-Bullying advocate. He performs keynote and motivational speeches about living with Asperger’s Syndrome and other various topics across the country. Plus, he is a best-selling author of these well- known books: Atypical-LifeContinue reading “Jesse Saperstein”

Aidan Allman-Cooper

This guest story is by Aidan Allman-Cooper, a young man on the Autism spectrum from New Jersey! He is the founder and chairman of his own special education organization called, “Special Education Committee of Advocates”. When he is not working in his special education organization, he is an instructional paraprofessional in a private school. HeContinue reading “Aidan Allman-Cooper”