Mainstream or not to mainstream

Mainstream or not to mainstream? That is the question! I’ve had parents and educators ask me this question a lot. At the end of the day, it is based on several factors: Is the school trained on special education laws and working with the neurodiverse population? Is the individual education team (IEP) team able toContinue reading “Mainstream or not to mainstream”

Seven dimensions of behavior in ABA

The seven dimensions of behavior help behavior analysts impact their clients through effective and research-supported interventions. Baer et al. (1968) shares the seven dimensions of behavior: generality, effective, technological, applied, conceptually systematic, analytic, and behavioral. Generality refers to generalization of behaviors and skills. A behavior analyst helps clients generalize their new behaviors/skills through multiple people,Continue reading “Seven dimensions of behavior in ABA”

Advice from an autistic paraprofessional

As you all know, I wear many hats because I work more than one job. I have been a paraprofessional for many years. Recently, I entered into my 4th school year as a paraprofessional. I am not just as any paraprofessional. I am a paraprofessional on the autism spectrum! Most of my experiences consist ofContinue reading “Advice from an autistic paraprofessional”

Interview with Michael Gilberg as an autistic special education lawyer

Did you know students with disabilities have rights to gain appropriate education? Students with disabilities, like autistic students have rights to appropriate education based on the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) and Section 504 of the 1973 Rehabilitation Act. My latest special guest can tell you about these acts and the importance of disabilityContinue reading “Interview with Michael Gilberg as an autistic special education lawyer”

Perede Patricia

This guest story is by Miss. Perede Patricia. She is an educator who teaches to students living with Autism in Nigeria! She is very passionate in bringing out the best in every Autistic child. Autism is a developmental disorder, which affects the ability to communicate and interact effectively.  Autism is also known as Autism SpectrumContinue reading “Perede Patricia”

Kevin Galbreth

This guest blog story is by Kevin Galbreth. He is a young adult diagnosed with Asperger’s Disorder. He was born and raised in New York, but now currently lives in New Jersey. Kevin has experiences working with adults with developmental disabilities. He is one of the panelists in the YouTube webinar series, “Ask An Autistic”.Continue reading “Kevin Galbreth”

Interview with George Bostory on Special Dragons Karate School and Special Education

Mr. George Bostory shares in this guest interview about the karate school, “Special Dragons”. This karate school was created by him and many other special education teachers. Mr. George Bostory is a black belt himself! How amazing is that!? He provides students with disabilities opportunities to learn karate, based on the students’ needs and levels.Continue reading “Interview with George Bostory on Special Dragons Karate School and Special Education”

Interview with Jeff Snyder about self-advocacy, special education experiences, and employment

If you read Jeff Snyder’s story last week, he really shows how much of an Autism self-advocate he is to the community. He has achieved so much and has a bright future ahead! I am so excited to share with everyone a video interview I did with Jeff! Here is our video interview:

Jeff Snyder

This guest story is by Jeff Snyder, a young man on the Autism spectrum from Massachusetts. He is a social media influencer and an Autism self-advocate. He has provided keynote speeches on various topics in special education. When he is not contributing in the Autism community, he works as a janitorial and stores operations specialistContinue reading “Jeff Snyder”

Interview with Aidan Allman-Cooper on Special Education Organization and Special Education field

If you read Aidan Allman-Cooper’s story last week, he is an extraordinary person who has so much going on for him and a bright future. I am so excited to share with everyone a video interview I did with Aidan! Here is our video interview: Here are Aidan’s contact information and social media platforms toContinue reading “Interview with Aidan Allman-Cooper on Special Education Organization and Special Education field”