Reinforcement vs Punishment

Did you know we use reinforcement and punishment all of the time, not just in ABA therapy? Reinforcement and punishment are used everywhere to shape our own behaviors. In ABA therapy sessions with autistic clients, reinforcement is used more so than punishment because behavior analysts and RBTs (Registered Behavior Technicians) are focused on strengthening behaviorsContinue reading “Reinforcement vs Punishment”

My autism diagnosis

I wanted to share my story again towards receiving an autism diagnosis, since I gained a lot of new followers on my blog website and tomorrow being my 25th birthday: I was born in Brooklyn, NY on January 18th, 1998. After I turned one years old, my parents noticed I was not meeting developmental milestonesContinue reading “My autism diagnosis”

Interview with Marissa Davila as a BCBA in ABA telehealth

Did you know there are ABA therapy companies who mainly use telehealth? Meet my first guest in the new year: Marissa Davila is a behavior analyst and founder of Blanton Behavioral Services LLC. She is not like most behavior analysts who run their own ABA therapy company because she mainly provides telehealth for clients onContinue reading “Interview with Marissa Davila as a BCBA in ABA telehealth”

Seven dimensions of behavior in ABA

The seven dimensions of behavior help behavior analysts impact their clients through effective and research-supported interventions. Baer et al. (1968) shares the seven dimensions of behavior: generality, effective, technological, applied, conceptually systematic, analytic, and behavioral. Generality refers to generalization of behaviors and skills. A behavior analyst helps clients generalize their new behaviors/skills through multiple people,Continue reading “Seven dimensions of behavior in ABA”

Back to school

Many states have been back in school while some have not just yet. Autistic people often face difficulties with transitioning back to school because of either being home all summer or engaging in other structured activities over the summer. How can you help an autistic child, client, or student get back into their school routine?Continue reading “Back to school”

OBM and PM in Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA)

What is organization behavior management (OBM) and performance management (PM)? How do they relate to the applied behavior analysis (ABA) field? Organization Behavior Management (OBM) uses applied behavior analysis (ABA) in workplaces. It uses behavior interventions and strategies to change peoples’ behaviors in workplaces, such as businesses, governments, and etc. Wilder et. al. (2009) sharesContinue reading “OBM and PM in Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA)”

The A-B-Cs in ABA

In Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA), did you know the ABCs is implemented? I am not talking about the letters of alphabet. In this case, I am talking about the antecedents (events, situations, settings), behaviors (response), and consequences (ex: reinforcement or punishment). Here is a picture that goes more in detail about the ABCs used inContinue reading “The A-B-Cs in ABA”

Approaches for increasing communication and social skills

In Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA), did you know behavior analysts use many approaches to increase people’s communication and social skills? Here are some interventions and procedures used in ABA to increase people’s communication and social skills: Verbal operant approaches: 2. Functional Communication Training (FCT): a differential reinforcement of alternative behavior (DRA) approach in which teachesContinue reading “Approaches for increasing communication and social skills”

High school to college transition

It is graduation time already!? Many schools already had their graduation commencements back in May or during this month. As for me, I graduated from my high school 6 years ago and now I will be graduating with my bachelor’s degree in October of this year. I recall my transition from high school to collegeContinue reading “High school to college transition”

College success stories of 2022

2022 is the year for the disability community in the college arena! There are two students with disabilities who have been getting recognized all over social media for their achievement of graduating college this May! Now let me tell you about these two amazing women with disabilities who graduated from college this year: Elizabeth BonkerContinue reading “College success stories of 2022”